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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Selection evaluation of the general and specific adaptability of selected seedlings from a hybrid combination between a seeded and a seedless vine cultivar
Venelin Roychev
Резюме: A selection evaluation of chosen seedlings from a hybrid combination between a seeded and a seedless vine cultivar has been carried out. The vine hybrid forms from F1 progeny of the cross Bolgar x Russalka 1 have been studied through the application of a model based on traits and indices for the general and the specific adaptability, which allows conducting an efficient selection of elite seedlings with commercially significant ampelographic characteristics. Hybrid forms: I, III, VIII and XII meet to the greatest extent the selection requirements for table seeded and seedless vine cultivars and have a high complex score. These forms are characterized by greater adaptability and ecological stability of the studied traits, and the research aimed at the establishment of their aerobiological and technological qualities should continue.
Ключови думи: adaptability; ampelographic traits; hybrid forms; selection; selection evaluation; vine
Дата на публикуване: 2019-06-03
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