[session_started] => 1741315302
Environmental stability of alfalfa accessions in basic quantitative traits
Valentin Kosev, Daniela Kertikova
Резюме: Nine alfalfa accessions (seven experimental synthetic populations, one free hybrid and cv. Prista 2) were studied under field conditions for three years (8 total cuts). Established genotype-environment interactions (years) have been established for signs of stem length and yield of dry and fresh mass. The factor environment has a very strong impact on almost all the studied features. A stronger effect of genotype factor of the stem and leaf length, node with first flower, dry and fresh yield on the genotype interaction factor was found. Three types of stability parameters have been calculated: regression, variation and nonparametric. Synthetics 11 Syn 5-2, 7 Syn 1+ and 13 Syn 5+ are defined as ecologically stable with a shorter stem length and the free hybrid Estival x Sewa as highly productive and variable (bi =1.17). Synthetic 5 Syn 1 is responsive with mean stability of the sign (bi = 1.06). Sint-IGI has a high dry mass yield, but with a pronounced responsiveness (bi = 1.14) to improving cultivation conditions, which provides high yields above average. Synthetics 5 Syn 1- and 13 Syn 5+ can be defined as ecologically stable (bi = 1.06, bi = 1.04) with high dry weight yield (917 kg.da-1, 912.18 kg.da-1) suitable for growing in a wide range of environmental conditions. Synthetics Sint-IGI (Si2 = 0.83) and 13 Syn 5+ (Si2 = 11.08) are stable and low adaptive by weight of the green mass and are suitable for growing under unfavourable conditions. Highly yielding green mass populations 5 Syn 1- (3172 kg.da-1) and Prista 2 (3073 kg.da-1) are unstable but have a high adaptability that provides them with yields above average.
Ключови думи: alfalfa accessions; phenotypic stability; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2019-06-03
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