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A comparative analysis of vine leaves area measurement algorithms
Krasimira Georgieva, Nely Georgieva, Zlatin Zlatev, Georgi Georgiev
Резюме: More and more frequently in contemporary scientific literature information can be found on the use of mobile devices such as video cameras and smartphones by which an area of different objects, for example – vine leaves, can be measured. Software, methods and algorithms for measuring area of leaves are described in general without methodological details. The necessary accuracy of the measurement is not commented too. In this paper a comparative analysis is made for four algorithms which are intended for measuring area of vine leaves in terms of measurement accuracy and performance of the computer system. In this study it is found that in the algorithm with nested loops the number of operations is increased but this is not influence on the precision of the measurement but the threshold level of binarization is affected on the precision of the measurement. This is proven by analyzing the execution time and operations number of various algorithms.
Ключови думи: leaf area; measurement algorithm; measurement error
Дата на публикуване: 2017-09-07
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