[session_started] => 1739419232
Root yield of semi-sugar beet grown cultivated under biological methods
Dora Donkova
Резюме: In article it was commented root yield and dry matter content in semi-sugar beet “Hibrid 56” obtained after two methods of breeding (biological and provident). The results show that beet cultivation as required by organic production and use of bio-fertilizes increases the yield average for the period of the study to 10.27 t/ha. Effect on the yield of fertilization with farmyard manure is higher by 14.9% compared to fertilization with lubrikompost. Nevertheless, the productivity of green options is lower by 30.7% compared with the reduced versions nitrogen rates.
Ключови думи: bio-fertilizes; semi-sugar beet; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-09
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