[session_started] => 1739417321
Comparative technological characteristic of seedless table grapevine cultivars under the cgroclimatic conditions of the Kyustendil
Simeon Krumov
Резюме: It has been presented 4 annual results of technological investigation of seedless table grapevine cultivars – Roussalka 3, Kondarev 6 and Kishmish of Moldova. It was established that in the agroclimatic conditions of the Kyustendil region all studied cultivars have large to very large clusters. By
morphological characteristics – size of grapes and berries all cultivars reach typical values for each cultivar and corresponded fully to the requirements for the quality of grapes “Extra” class. According to the structure of the cluster and berry all cultivars are typical table grapevine with a high percentage of
berries in the cluster and mesocarp content in the berry. In consumptive maturity grapes from all variants contain over 16% sugar, with a moderate amount of titratable acids. The cultivar Kondarev 6 has a very good transportability and high taste valuation.
Ключови думи: grapes; grapevine; quality; seedless cultivars
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-09
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