[session_started] => 1739419566
Intravarietal diversity in Misket Ottonel variety
Iliyan Simeonov, Zdravko Nakov, Miroslav Ivanov
Резюме: Intravarietal diversity of 7 clones (6/18, 6/59, 6/74, 7/46, 8/58, 39/110 and 46/10 clones) was studied at the Institute of Viticulture and Enology – Pleven. The population of Misket Ottonel variety was used for reference. Full botanical description was made of the selected clones and the indicators of actual fertility and productivity were recorded. During the vegetation the sugars accumulation dynamics was traced and chemical analysis was performed to determine the grapes quality parameters. Based on the results obtained for the average mass per cluster, the average yield per vine and the intensity of sugar accumulation the studied clones were systemized.
Ключови думи: actual fertility; botanical description; clone; Misket Ottonel variety; productivity; sugars; titratable acidity
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-09
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