[session_started] => 1739417284
The influence of mulchation of the soil on the carbonic acid balance of cotton field
Yuriy Bezborodov, Akmal Shamsiyev
Резюме: In a field experiment, located on Old Typical Sierozems, conducted studies to determine the components of the carbon dioxide balance of the “cotton – soil – atmosphere”. In a field experiment studied two options: open soil (control) and with perforated polyethylene film mulching of soil. Irrigation of cotton varieties “Navruz” (G. hirsutum L.) were carried out with water supply to 50% of cover furrows. On an experimental version in working furrow was packed film with water discharge 6 mm diameter holes and step 1 m. Sampling of soil emitted air was performed using small respirometers installed in ridges furrows.
Determination of CO2 in the soil air was carried out on a gas chromatograph LHM-8M. To determine the mass of CO2 assimilated cotton used the balance equation. Calculations revealed that the cotton field with open soil uses photosynthesis to 4 t/ha field with plastic mulch 8 t/ha. The origins of CO2 from bare soil are 21.5 t/ha of mulch 16.9 t/ha.
Ключови думи: carbon dioxide; cotton; mulching; photosynthesis; respirometer; soil
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-26
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