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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Effect of nitrogen rate and foliar fertilization on yield, quality leaf chemistry in Burley tobacco
Radka Bozhinova
Резюме: The effects of different nitrogen rates (70, 100 and 130 kg N ha-1) and 2 foliar fertilizer products (Master and Sazolene SC) on yield, quality and leaf chemistry of tobacco variety Burley 1344 have been studied in field experiment set on Cleyic-Chromic Luvisol. Nitrogen rate was found to be important factor for increasing the leaf area and productivity of tobacco. Yield was not significantly influenced by foliar fertilizer application. Significant increase in leaf quality (as determined by the percentage of first grade dried tobacco) was observed with increasing levels of soil-applied N. The use of foliar fertilizer also improved leaf quality. Foliar fertilizers have a small effect on yield and chemical characteristics of tobacco. Therefore, foliar application must be considered only as a secondary element in the technology of cultivation of Burley tobacco.
Ключови думи: Burley tobacco; fertilization; leaf chemistry; quality; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-25
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