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Influence of pendimethalin on the yield of planting material from variety Misket Kaylashki grafted on different rootstocks. Biometric characteristics of the rooted grapevines
Maya Dimitrova, Neli Prodanova-Marinova, Iliyan Zhelyazkov, Anatoli Iliev
Резюме: During the period 2008 – 2010 in the Institute of Viticulture and Enology – Pleven the influence of pendimethalin (Stomp 33 EC at the dose of 0.6 l/da) on the production of planting material from the following variety-rootstock combinations was studied: Misket Kaylashki (Berlandieri × Rupestris 110 R (110 R), Misket Kaylashki (Chasselas × Berlandieri 41 B (41 B) and Misket Kaylashki (Riparia Gloire de Montpellier (RGM).
It was found that the average yield of rooted grapevines from the treated variants in all variety-rootstock combinations was superior to the controls. The greatest percentage was recorded in the combination Misket Kaylashki/110 R.
The study on the type and number of roots of the grapevines after their removal from the nursery established that the tested combinations had well-developed and characteristic root systems, with no traces of herbicidal effect. Greater length and mass of mature wood were measured in all treated variants. The internode diameter in the different variety-rootstock combinations did not differ significantly, and the internode length corresponded to the shoot length.
Ключови думи: pendimethalin; planting material; rooted grapevines; rootstocks
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-12
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