[session_started] => 1739415630
Rezults of assessment of sugar beet breeding forms for attacks of some diseases agents
Krasimira Tanova, Svilen Rajkov, Kulka Uchkunova
Резюме: During the period 2010 – 2012, in the experimental field of Agricultural Institute – Shoumen has been made an assessment of sugar beet breeding forms for reaction to powdery mildew, Cercosporose, Phoma leaf spot, root rot and yellows. The assessment was made in field conditions of artificial infection background of Cercosporose and Phoma leaf spot and with natural development of the powdery mildew, yellows and root rot agents. For the purpose the experiments were made according the block method in 4 repetitions. The counting was made according to the scales, applied in the Institute. In the tests were included individual self-pollinated progenies of 3 diploid and 3 tetraploid pollinators, as well as 4 varieties and 2 hybrids of sugar beet. Three fodder beet 2 varieties were tested too. The results of the assessment give reason to draw the following conclusions:
– The best resistance to Cercosporose shows the sugar beet lines 46R and 43 A3.
– The best resistance to powdery mildew has been manifested by the sugar beet variety Radnevo and the hybrid YK-1252. They show resistance to Phoma leaf spot too.
– Among the tested fodder beet materials the variety Tamara shows the highest resistance to diseases, and Hybrid 56 shows resistance to powdery mildew.
Ключови думи: breeding forms; diseases agents; fodder beet; sugar beet; varieties
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-12
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