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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Assessment of sugar and fodder beet for root rot resistance
Tzvetan Kikindonov, Georgi Kikindonov
Резюме: In the last years an increase of the tendency for extreme deviations from the agro-climatic norms has been registered. The uneven distribution of rainfalls, the high temperatures and the severe droughts during the vegetation provoke root rot, which compromises the yield and row material qualities of the sugar and fodder beet. In the frames of the breeding program of Agricultural Institute – Shumen in the period 2002 – 2012 have been assessed more than 500 sugar and fodder beet pollinators and their hybrids with sterile lines for root rot resistance. It has been established a higher resistance to root rot for the sugar beet forms compared to that of the fodder beets. The semi-sugar beet hybrids, obtained by crosses of sugar beet MS lines with fodder beet pollinators, have increased resistance to root rot. The variety of reactions in the tested gene fund to stress factors, causing root rot, gives possibility for selection of resistant forms.
Ключови думи: fodder beet; root rot resistance; semi-sugar beet hybrids; sugar beet
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-06
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