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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Agrobiological and economical potential of new introduced table grapevine cultivars for Kyustendil region
Simeon Krumov, Ilian Simeonov, Daniela Dimitrova
Резюме: It was performed a comparative analysis of agrobiological and economic potential of newly introduced for the region of Kyustendil table grapevine cultivars - Misket russenski, Prista and Ryahovo. Super early Bolgar, the reference for the group of early ripening cultivars is accepted as a control variant. The performed comparative analysis in agrobiological aspect highlights the white medium ripening cultivar Ryahovo with the best parameters regarding the indicator values - average weight of the cluster, average weight of 100 berries and average yield per vine. Under the complex influence of increased productivity per unit area and the higher market price of production, the generated net income determined the highest value at the early ripening white cultivar Prista - 922.28 lv/da. The excess relative to the realized value of this indicator in the control variant amounted to 24.0% and to cultivars Misket russenski and Ryahovo, respectively 20.4% and 1.4%. The complex evaluation of the indicators - net income, rate of profitability and unit cost of production - determines all introduced new cultivars as suitable for the production of table grapes in the region of Kyustendil.
Ключови думи: economic assessment; quality of grapes; table grapevine cultivars; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2017-03-15
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