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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Improved agrotechnical decisions for production of certified potato seeds from variety Bor
Dima Markova, Vinelina Yankova, Stoyka Masheva, Violeta Blagoeva, Emil Iliev, Miroslav Michov, Emilia Nacheva
Резюме: The aim of this study was to develop improved agrarian decisions for production of certified potato seeds from variety Bor. Three factor field experiments was set with 12 combinations with established effect of the factors – fertilization rate, planting density and term of leaf striping on the standard and total yield of the variants. The standard yield of the seed fractions in variety Bor varies from 1866 to 2837 kg/da. Its relative part increases (85.4%) in higher level of nitrogen and potassium fertilization, higher planting density and earlier term of leaf striping.
Ключови думи: certified seeds; density; fertilization; leaf striping; potato
Дата на публикуване: 2017-01-27
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