Improvement of buckwheat production in conditions of climate change
Vera Popović, Viliana Vasileva, Aleksandar Filipović, Vera Rajičić, Saša Vujović, Jelena Golijan Pantović, Nataša Ljubičić
Резюме: Buckwheat‘s hight nutritional and pharmacological qualities make this pseudo cereal, a potential functional food and a symbol of a healthy lifestyle. The demand for buckwheat grain has grown because of its excellent nutritional value, balanced amino acid content, and abundance of lysine and arginine. Proteins, dietary f iber, vitamins, flavonoids, fagopyrins, d-fagomine, and phenolic acids are among the bioactive components of buckwheat that have promising therapeutic effects against chronic illnesses. Every year, there are noticeable changes in the climate, increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation. The productivity of plants, including buckwheat, is impacted by rising temperatures. All of the aforementioned factors make it necessary introduction of agrotechnical measures in order to increase buckwheat production, i.e. yield. The Novosadska buckwheat variety, was examined in this study, grown in four repetitions, in two variants: the control, which was without application of foliar nutrition, and the variant that included foliar nutrition, with Phyto Complex, phytocereals nutrition, in Bački Petrovac, Serbia. The following criteria were examined of ten plants from each repetition: plant height, leaf mass, grain yield, protein and oil content, ash content, starch, water and phenol content. Grain yield and yield parameters were statistically considerably higher in the foliar nutrition variant than in the control variant. It is necessary to promote the introduction of agrotechnical measures to increase buckwheat production, aimed at increasing buckwheat yield. Improving productivity will be an important trade off between food security, population growth, better land use in the face of climate change, and increased production.
Ключови думи: buckwheat; climate change; foliar nutrition; therapeutic effects against chronic illnesses; variety Novosadska
Цитиране: Popović, V., Vasileva, V., Filipović, A., Rajičić, V., Vujović, S., Golijan Pantović, J., & Ljubičić, N. (2025). Improvement of buckwheat production in conditions of climate change. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 62(1) 102-112.
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| Дата на публикуване: 2025-02-27
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