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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Quantitative traits of productivity and yield of sesame varieties in steppe of Ukraine
Igor Aksyonovorcid
Резюме: Sesame is an important oilseed crop. It has a cultivated area of about 9 million hectares in the world. At the same time, production of sesame in Ukraine remains low and unstable due to cracking of capsules, shedding of seeds from capsules, uneven ripening of capsules on the plant, low productivity. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the possibilities of creating highly productive varieties and varieties with non cracking capsules and a determinate type of growth. The research was found that the non-cracking of capsules and the determinate type of growth have a recessive type of inheritance of the traits. The method of chemical mutagenesis and subsequent individual selection of plants made it possible to create sesame genotypes with complex of valuable agronomic traits. The traits are controlled by recessive genes in the homozygous state idid (non-cracking of capsules), dt1dt1 (determinant type of growth). Determination of the type of inheritance of these traits in experimentally obtained mutants made it possible to create sesame varieties Boyarin and Ilona with non-cracking capsules and a determinant type of growth at variety Ilona. A change in the structure of the capsule leads to decrease of the number of seeds in the capsule, a decrease of the productivity compared to the new created highly productive varieties of sesame Gusar and Kadet with cracking capsules and an indeterminate type of growth. The weight of seeds per plant of the varieties Gusar, Kadet, Boyarin depended on the number of seeds of one plant and determined the level of the yield formation. The weight of seeds the one plant of the variety Ilona with non-cracking capsules was determined by the weight of 1000 seeds. The new variety Gusar with cracking capsules and indeterminate type of growth generated a maximum yield of 1.62 t/ha with the largest number of seeds (4207 pieces) and a maximum weight of seeds on plant of 11.7 g compared to other varieties. An increase of the weight of 1000 seeds to 3.0 g at the variety Ilona with non-cracking capsules ensures an increase of the weight of the seed of plant and the formation of a yield of 1.22 t/ha at the same level as at the variety Kadet with cracking capsules, which is a highly productive variety - 1.32 t/ha. The variety Boyarin with a modified structure non-cracking capsules and a minimum number 2664 pieces and weight of the seed in a capsules of the plant 7.9 g formed a minimum yield of 1.10 t/ha. The level of productivity and yield of sesame varieties Gusar, Kadet, Boyarin in the arid conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine is determined by the amount of precipitation during the growing season, and at the variety Ilona - by the temperature factor against the background of an increase of the average temperature of the growing season.
Ключови думи: indeterminate type of growth; no-cracking of capsules; quantitative trait; sesame; variety; variety reaction; yield
Цитиране: Aksyonov, I. (2025). Quantitative traits of productivity and yield of sesame varieties in steppe of Ukraine. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 62(1) 57-68.
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Дата на публикуване: 2025-02-27
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