Ampelographic characteristics of newly introduced in Bulgaria table grapevine cultivars
Simeon Krumov

Резюме: A brief ampelographic characteristic of the introduced table grapevine cultivars from P. R. China - Kyoho, Shennong Jinhuanghou, Bixiang Wuhe, and Hanxiangmi was done. According to the period of onset of consumptive ripeness of the grapes, under the specific soil-climatic conditions, the Hanxiangmi cultivar belongs to the group of „very early ripening“ cultivars (beginning of August), and the rest to the group of „early ripening“ (the second half of August). The studied cultivars are distinguished by good adaptive potential and manage to fully develop their qualities in the study area. They are characterized by high fertility and yield, large and attractive clusters, very large berries, and high quality and high transportability of the grapes. They have increased resistance to downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and low winter temperatures. The seedless cultivar Hanxiangmi has a very high and relatively constant fertility over the years, with a high proportion of fruit shoots developed from additional and dormant buds.
Ключови думи: ampelographic characteristics; cultivar; grapevine; introduction
Цитиране: Krumov, S. (2024). Ampelographic characteristics of newly introduced in Bulgaria table grapevine cultivars. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(4), 51-59 (Bg).
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-08-29
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