Classification of seedless varieties of vines (Vitis vinifera L.) according to the size of organs in the female flower sphere
Venelin Roychev

, Neli Keranova

Резюме: A comparative evaluation and classification of a large group of seedless vine varieties was carried out depending on the diversity of the parameters of the female flower organs. Through the application of cluster analysis, it was found that in their vertical arrangement along the branches at the base of the fringe, they are distributed in four generalized clusters, in the middle - in six and in the top - in nine, each of them being composed of a different number of sub-clusters and varieties. There is no statistically proven influence of the location of the flower buttons in the fringe on the parameters of the female flower sphere. The presented biometric information on the female flower organs increases the possibilities for a more in-depth morphological, cytoembryological and ampelographic analysis and classification of the investigated seedless vine varieties.
Ключови думи: comparative biometric and statistical characteristics; organs in the female sphere of flower
Цитиране: Roychev, V., & Keranova, N. (2024). Classification of seedless varieties of vines (Vitis vinifera L.) according to the size of organs in the female flower sphere. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(2) 83-95 (Bg).
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-04-25
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