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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative study of root and soil microbiological activity in individual and co-cultivation of cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. capitata L.)
Gergana Mladenovaorcid, Milena Yordanovaorcid, Boyka Malchevaorcid
Резюме: A comparative study of root and soil microbiological activity was carried out during independent and co-cultivation of cabbage with other crops: leeks, beans, tagetes, fennel and flower mix. The intercropping of cabbage and flower mix increases the amount of microorganisms in the immediate vicinity of the cabbage roots to the highest degree. The biogenicity of the root zone is the lowest in the variant with cabbage and tagetes. In the independent cultivation of cabbage, a higher value of the total microflora is established compared to the variants with the main cabbage crop and additional tagetes or leek crops. Combining cabbage with flower mix, beans or fennel increased the amount of microorganisms from the rhizoplane and rhizosphere to a higher degree than growing cabbage alone. The main share in the composition of the total microflora is occupied by non-spore-forming bacteria, followed by bacilli. Regrouping was found in the co-cultivation of cabbage and flower mix, and in this variant the amount of spore-forming bacteria was higher than that of non-spore-forming bacteria. Actinomycetes and mold fungi are less represented. Catalase activity was highest in the control, followed by the variant with co-cultivation of cabbage and leek, and lowest in cabbage and flower mix, and cabbage and fennel, depending significantly on the humidity of the variants. Cellulase activity was higher in the variants with crops compared to the control - highest in the co-cultivation of cabbage and leek, and cabbage and tagetes, and lowest in cabbage and beans, depending significantly on the total microflora.
Ключови думи: enzyme activities; root microflora; soil biogenicity
Цитиране: Mladenova, G., Yordanova, M., & Malcheva, B. (2024). Comparative study of root and soil microbiological activity in individual and co-cultivation of cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. capitata L.) Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(2) 37-46 (Bg).
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Дата на публикуване: 2024-04-25
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