Comparative analysis of archival data on yields of main field crops from fertilizer experiments on different soil types in Bulgaria
Iliyana Gerasimova, Vaniya Lozanova, Irena Atanassova, Zdravka Petkova
Резюме: The main aim of the study was to systematize and summarize archival data on yields from main field crops from multiple fertilizer experiments of Nikola Poushkarov ISSAPP on various soil types in Bulgaria. A large set of results from the field fertilizer experiments carried out on four different soil types: Calcareous Chernozem (Trastenik village), Haplic Chernozem (Gorni Dabnik village), Haplic Luvisol (Nikolaevo village) and Planosol (Sekirovo village) in the geographical network of Bulgaria of the Nikola Poushkarov ISSAPP has been accumulated. Eight fertilization variants were tested with annual application of potassium (0, 8, 16 and 32 kg/da K2O) on two backgrounds of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization. Crop rotation during the individual years was as follows: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), grown under non-irrigation conditions. Optimum rates of fertilization with the main nutrients, N, P and K have been established for the different soil types. There are complex interactions between the different rates of fertilization with the main macronutrients and this has a significant impact on the quantity and quality of agricultural crop yields. The difference in yields between the two investigated periods (1963-1970 and 1971-1975), at the same levels of fertilization, shows that the level of yields and accordingly, the use of nutrients are also determined to a significant extent by the climatic conditions. With an increase in the fertilizer rate, the yields also increase, and the rates of 16 kg and 32 kg K2O remain the most effective, regardless of the occurrence of potassium accumulation in these variants. This was also confirmed by the results of the analysis of variance of the yields of cultivated crops. There was a pronounced increase of the effect of potassium fertilization in soils less supplied with this element, i.e. the Haplic Luvisol (Nikolaevo village) and Planosol (Sekirovo village). The effect of the potassium fertilization increases and expands in well supplied with potassium soils, but possessing unfavorable conditions for nutrition with this element, as in the case with the Calcareous Chernozem (Trastenik village). There was also an effect of potassium fertilization, although inconsistent, in soils well supplied with potassium, such as Haplic Chernozem (Gorni Dabnik village).
Ключови думи: corn; crop rotation; fertilization; sugar beet; sunflower; wheat
Цитиране: Gerasimova, I., Lozanova, V., Atanassova, I., & Petkova, Z. (2024). Comparative analysis of archival data on yields of main field crops from fertilizer experiments on different soil types in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(1), 75-86.
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-02-27
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