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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Еffect of meteorological factors on the yield and evapotranspiration of sudan grass for silage grown as a second crop under non-irrigated and irrigated conditions
Rumen Basitov
Резюме: The aim of experiment was to establish the influence of meteorological factors during the vegetation period of sudan grass, grown as a second crop on yield and evapotranspiration The experiment was carry out during 2014 – 2017 period, on meadow – cinnamon soil in in the experimental field of the Stara Zagora Agricultural Institute. The data from irrigated (by 75% of FC) and non irrigated Sudan grass have been used. Dependencies between yield of dry biomass and meteorological factors have been established, as well as soil layer water depletion. The value of evapotranspiration and it’s formatting have been calculated (168.3– 183.7 mm without irrigation and 264.3 – 283.8 mm by optimum irrigation). The obtained yields of the sudanka strongly depend on the climatic conditions of the individual years of research, varying from 9800 kg.ha-1 to 11250 kg.ha-1.
Ключови думи: evapotranspiration; precipitation; sudan grass; temperature; yield
Цитиране: Bazitov, R. (2024). Еffect of meteorological factors on the yield and evapotranspiration of sudan grass for silage grown as a second crop under non-irrigated and irrigated conditions. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(1) 3-12 (Bg).
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Дата на публикуване: 2024-02-27
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