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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Heterosis and combining ability in intraspecific (G. hirsutum L.) and interspecific (G. hirsutum L. G. barbadense L.) cotton hybrids
Valentina Dimitrova, Minka Koleva, Neli Valkova
Резюме: The inheritance of most important economic characters, heterosis and combining ability were studied in six interspecific (G. hirsutum L. × G. barbadnese L.) and three intraspecific hybrid combinations. There were found different types of inheritance of productivity, boll weight and lint percentage and fiber length in the individual crosses. The genetic variance for productivity and fiber length was mainly non-additive, while for lint percentage it was additive. Although non-additive genetic variance prevailed for productivity and fiber length, only individual crosses showed positive heterosis, outperforming the better parent. Of the female forms, the cultivar Helius was identified as a very good general combiner for productivity. From the male forms the cultivar Ashkabat emerged as a very good general combiner for productivity, boll weight and lint percentage. The cultivars Mytra (female), Karshinski-2 and C-6037 (male) were determined as very good general combiners for fiber length. All these cultivars, with the exception of C-6037, had low SCA variances, their high GCA was mainly due to additive gene effects, and they were very suitable for synthetic selection. The cross Helius × Ashkabat was found to be most valuable for the selection of productivity because of the highest mean performance and the highest level of heterosis with high SCA effects. All intraspecific hybrids were found to be most promising for improving lint percentage. The interspecific cross combinations Mytra × C-6037, Helius × C-6037 and Mytra × Karshinski-2, having the longest fibers, the first two with high SCA effects were most valuable for fiber length improvement.
Ключови думи: fiber length; genetic control; lint percentage; productivity
Дата на публикуване: 2023-12-19
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