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Study of main chemical indicators nicotine, total sugar and total nitrogen in tobacco lines of Krumovgrad ecotype
V. Spasova-Apostolova

, Maria Kasheva

, Veselina Masheva

, Zheko Radev

Резюме: Dry tobacco quality determined by the content of the main chemical indicators nicotine, total sugars, total nitrogen and the ratio between them. Strengthening regulations by the World Health Organization (WHO) to the chemical composition of tobacco, define the need to create a suitable breeding material. During the period 2020-2022 in the Accredited Тesting Laboratory Complex at TTPI were determined the values of the main chemical indicators - nicotine, total sugars and total nitrogen in the first and second class dry tobacco from four oriental tobacco lines of the Krumovgrad ecotype, studied in the conditions on an experimental field (EF) - in Markovo village. Two controls from the Krumovgrad ecotype - variety Krumovgrad 90 and from the Eastern Balkan ecotype - variety Elenski 817 were used. The results show, the highest percentage of total nitrogen and nicotine, and respectively the lowest of total sugars, were reported in harvest for the 2021, characterized by higher average monthly temperatures and less rainfall during the plants vegetation period. According to the nicotine indicator, the studied lines (except for line 73) have average values between the two controls for harvests in the 2021 and 2022. The highest percentage of nicotine in 2020 and 2021, and an average of the three experimental years was reported in line 71, and the lowest in line 70. The lowest variation of the studied chemical indicators was established in line 71. The studied lines are valuable breeding material corresponding to the diverse needs of the tobacco industry.
Ключови думи: chemical indicators; nicotine; oriental tobacco; total nitrogen; total sugars
Дата на публикуване: 2023-12-19
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