[session_started] => 1739419492
Study of morphological and qualitative indicators of new oriental tobacco lines from ecotype Krumovgrad
V. Spasova-Apostolova

, Veselina Masheva

, Maria Kasheva

, Ivan Velinov

Резюме: In recent years, oriental tobacco varieties from the Krumovgrad ecotype have been among the most preferred by commercial companies in Bulgaria. The creating and study of genetic material with their participation is important to meet the needs and requirements of the sector. During a three-year period in the conditions ofexperimental field (EF) - Markovo were studied biometric (number of leaves, plant height, length and width of 14 and 21 leaves) and quality (yield and distribution by classes) indicators of four lines of oriental tobacco, created with the Krumovgrad ecotype participation. As control was used variety Krumovgrad 90. As a result of the studied biometric and qualitative indicators, it was established, that according to the indicators plant height, the studied lines are in the oriental tobacco range, but form a greater number of leaves from the control variety (the largest numbers of leaves and smaller by size in line 72). Line 71 has a statistically proven longest length on the 14th and 21st leaves. Lines 71 and 73 have the highest average yield (kg/da) for the three years and exceed the yield of the control variety by 10-15%. The class distribution results show, that lines 72 and 73 have the highest percentage of I-st class, and line 71 has the highest percentage of II-nd class and the lowest percentage of III- rd class. From the assessment made lines 71 and 73 have the best values of the biometric and quality indicators.
Ключови думи: biometric indicators; Krumovgrad ecotype; oriental tobacco; quality indicators
Дата на публикуване: 2023-12-19
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