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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Identification of sunflower seed pathogens and their effect on seed germination against the background of plant damage by Septoria leaf spot
Kristina Levitskaya, Viktor Lyakh, Oksana Afanasieva
Резюме: Many pathogens spread with sunflower seeds, which later cause plant diseases. The aim of our work was to isolate and identify sunflower seed pathogens and to investigate their effect on the germination of seeds that were formed on plants with different degrees of damage by Septoria leaf spot. Field germination of seeds was analyzed on a stationary artificial infectious background in 2020–2021, and laboratory germination and phytopathological analysis – out in laboratory conditions in 2021. All four experimental samples were found to be infected with seed infection, and the level of pathogen infection ranged from 5% to 75%. The isolated pathogens belonged to the genera Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Mucor, Rhizopus, Trichoderma and Penicillium. A bacterial infection was also detected. Most pathogens were found on seeds that were formed on plants affected by Septoria leaf spot. The main pathogens here were representatives of the genera Alternaria with infection from 45% to 75%, Cladosporim – 10% and bacterial infection – from 15% to 25%. The smallest number of pathogens was isolated on the seeds of healthy plants. Seed samples, both in the field and in the laboratory, differed significantly in terms of germination. It was found that the highest level of seed infection with various pathogens was characteristic of samples with low germination. The presence of the Alternaria pathogen had a negative effect on seed germination. No infection of sunflower seeds with Septoria leaf spot was detected, despite the high level of damage by this disease to the plants on which it was formed.
Ключови думи: moist-chamber; seed-borne pathogens; seeds germination; Septoria disease; sunflower
Дата на публикуване: 2023-12-19
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