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Application and benefits of vegetable flours embedded in rye bakery products
Petya Ivanova, Iliana Lazova-Borisova
Резюме: A study of pressing from vegetables obtained from the Bulgarian production of vegetable juices from carrots, cucumbers and red beet was conducted. The vegetables are with very good quality and good price. They are dried in a heat pump dryer, at an initial temperature of 45°C and circulating air with an initial moisture content of 8-10% at constant (4.6 m/s) and variable speed (from 4.6 m/s to 3.6 m/s after the first 90 min), in a thin layer, with transversely oriented air flow relative to the product layer. The dried pressing are ground in a stone mill in the form of vegetable flours, intended for use in food products in order to give a specific taste and increase biological value. Analyzes were performed on physicochemical indicators - dry matter (by weight), %; moisture, %; antioxidant activity determined by DPPH method and content of total polyphenols. Vegetable flours obtained from pressing of the processing industry are a rich source of biologically active substances and can be used in the development of food products with added nutritional and biological value. The pronounced antioxidant activity is high in the vegetable beetroot flour. The addition of vegetable flours with 40 % from carrots, cucumbers and red beets to whole grain rye flour leads to products of high biological value.
Ключови думи: biotechnologies; Bulgarian rye flour Mina; carrots; cucumbers; good quality; pressing; red beet; rye sourdough; vegetables
Дата на публикуване: 2022-08-16
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